About the Business
I hope you enjoy looking round this site and finding out about the excellent opportunities on offer at Kirklees Music School (judged to be providing 'an outstanding service' by the Music Service Evaluation Partner in 2011).
If you're looking to have lessons on an instrument or voice, or to play or sing in a group, I hope you can find what you're looking for with us. We provide instrumental and vocal lessons to learners of all ages and all abilities both in and out of school time; we offer membership of over 70 ensembles from rock groups to orchestras at our music centres and central ensembles across Kirklees and supply support and delivery services to schools. We believe that everyone should be able to have access to music and all the wealth of social and educational benefits it brings. Over 10,000 instrumentalists and vocalists in Kirklees are already doing just that - come and join them!
Location & Hours

9 Beast Market